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Remember these Truths of Branding:

A brand is like a person. Create it that way. Think of it that way. Nurture it that way.

Coke has built its brand by consistently reinforcing the logo, its "face.".

McDonald's has gone one better than Coke with a character giving the brand a human personality.

Positioning vs. branding: For your consumer, a product's "position" is that one simple thing that first comes to mind or heart. The "brand" is everything else. From appearance to reputation. From personality to values ... such as 'this stands for quality and reliability.'

The success of Marlboro is based on a great brand personality brought to life in the "rugged American cowboy," and the client's discipline to stick with it over decades.

The Singapore Girl for Singapore Airlines, the best brand idea to come out of South-East Asia . Ever.

The energizer bunny brings to life a benefit of the product, that Energizer batteries just keep on going and going and going.

Apple Computers found the perfect brand personality in Jeff Goldblum, the man who plays a likable young scientist in the movies Jurassic Park and Independence Day.

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