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Common Mistakes in Branding

Research highlights some common problems in effective brand management:

  • too many priorities and complex messages: a leading council which spent millions per year on branding and marketing had three core values, six priorities and ten stated ambitions and as a result fewer than 1 per cent of its service users could identify what it stood for or any distinct values or achievements.
  • inconsistent use of the corporate identity: many organisations which record low awareness ratings do not apply their corporate identity consistently. Key services and products are often not badged as part of the corporate body.
  • too many sub-brands: many organisations advertise the fact that the silo mentality is still active by allowing the development of individual logos and identities for different parts of the organisation. This can also be due to 'initiative-itis' - too many new campaigns and projects all with their own logos and mini-brands

The credibility gap: there is often a big difference between the formal expression of the organisation’s brand and the actual experience by customers. Examples include organisations which say they are modern and professional but have old fashioned, amateurish communications and organisations which say they are fair and open but have no disability access to the main service points.

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