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Media Training

Personal Presentation & Media Training:

Our personal presentation and media training is the most rigorous in the industry to ensure individuals can achieve their best performance every time.

  • We guarantee that clients who complete our courses can control any media or presentation environment and we provide a unique protocol for them to follow.
  • We show clients how to develop their own agenda for news interviews and how to ensure positive messages are highlighted and published.
  • We use video to record and analyse as-real interview scenarios and presentation situations.

Structuring, Rehearsing & Preparing:

Clients are drilled in a regime of preparation and rehearsal techniques demonstrating how to seize the initiative, deflect negative questions, deliver key objectives and avoid going blank. Devising key messages, stress-testing performances, establishing rapport with the audience, avoiding dangers and stimulating a positive mindset are covered intensively. Analysis of personal performance is fed back on videotape to provide a permanent record.

Unique Protocol:

  • A bound copy of our protocol on preparing for all forms of presentation ensures individuals have a step-by-step reference to prepare for future opportunities.

Customised Training:

  • Training is customised to the client’s needs. Executive members may wish to benefit from a comprehensive two-day course while front-line staff may require less rigour.

Putting New Skills Into Practice:

PROFILE PROJECTION is our placement service for individual clients to put new skills to immediate and sustained use on TV and radio programme outlets.
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