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A few quotes:

"A brand is the sum of all feelings, thoughts and recognitions - positive and negative - that people in the target audience have about a company, product or service"- Steve McNamara Creative Director, AdCracker

"A brand is actually a memory, and a brand identity should describe the perfect memory of a brand. By knowing this end state, branding is about backing your way from the future to the present, through contextual branding"- Swedish brand planner Jonas Bergvall

"A brand is a living entity - and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small gestures" - Michael Eisner, CEO, Disney

"Pricing, service quality, technological advances can give you an edge, but what gives you a competitive advantage? A sound brand strategy, that helps differentiate your brand from the crowd."- Dan Herman, PhD, is a co-CEO of "Unfair Advantage" - a strategy consulting and branding firm

"For small businesses, branding is not about slick advertisements. Small-business branding is about getting your target market to see you as the preferred choice. Building a slightly famous brand is not just about what you do:, it’s about what you do differently from everyone else."- Steven Van Yoder is the author of Get Slightly Famous™.

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